Carletta Trains

The first step was to remove a center section of the SD45 shell. This was needed because the GP40PH-2 shell is shorter than an SD45.

Next I used a #80 drill bit to make holes for the brass grab irons. This included me having to remove the molded on grab irons.
Next I used a small drill bit to remove the molded on fans so I could add my own see-through fans on later. The picture on the far right shows the GP40 shell next to it. I actually realized I'd need to remove the top two middle fan housings completely and put the three fans from the GP40 in their place in order to get the proper spacing.

Here's the picture of the GP40 fan housings added to the SD45 shell.
Time to join the two halves

Next I used White Squadron putty to fill the seam and level out the roof. This required a fair amount of sanding to make it nice and smooth and flush

Grab Irons Installed

Top: Fan housings painted black for depth
Middle: Top with fan grills installed
Bottom: Fan assembly from inside

Air conditioner Unit Assembled

Checking assembled cowl with the frame

Pictures of details prior to final assembly

I painted a piece of thin styrene black and clued it to the roof of the cab. This was done to help prevent light leakage where the cowl meets the cab.

The shell bowed in slightly where the two halves met and there was slight contact with the morrow. I added some styrene pieces around the motor to prevent the contact.
Here are pictures of the finished model