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There are all sorts of resin vehicles out there at affordable prices and that are easy to work with.  Cars and trucks will require you to glue on the wheels, but they are all very easy to paint.  Some of these resin vehicles were painted with acrylic paints while others were done with enamel paints.  You can also add decals to customize your vehicles.

I picked these resin boats up for a couple of dollars

I could make these campers and RVs as colorful or as plain as I'd like.  These campers aren't commercially available so getting a resin model is your only choice.  It's up to you to add the realism.

Camper 2 sized.jpg
Camper sized.jpg

Click below for more pictures of the custom 5th wheel camper in the middle

RV2 sized.jpg
RV Sized.jpg

Here are 2 of the 3 Staples trucks on the layout.

Staples Sized.jpg

How can you make one?

  1. Paint the cab, trailer, and wheels

  2. Buy printable decal paper

  3. Create your design and print it

  4. Apply decal to trailer

  5. Apply a clear-coat to protect the decal

Staples 2.jpg

Resin Vehicles

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